The sad demise of Elixir Holidays shows, once again, how tour operators need to operate with Trust Accounts. It also shows that committed accommodation and flights, where the hotels and flights are guaranteed, must be a thing of the past. If Elixir had operated with a trust account, all the clients’ money would now be safe and all suppliers would be paid. As it is the hoteliers, transfer companies and airlines  will receive nothing and more importantly the guests may lose out on their holiday. However, we at the Discerning Collection, are determined to protect all Elixirs guests and offer them the same holiday at the same price. We are currently in contact with the relevant regulatory bodies and will be in a position shortly to contact all guests to secure their holidays.
So if you are an Elixir guest who is due to depart to Turkey in 2016 please get in touch with us on
01784 817720
and we’ll be able to help you continue with your holiday plans….at no extra cost and quite possibly at a reduced price!