Happy Birthday Feefo

Just last Friday our office was the recipient of a lovely surpriseā€¦.a massive Birthday Cake from Feefo, our friendly, genuine review platform. It was to celebrate their ā€˜Magnificent Seventhā€™ birthday. Since 2010 they have been building a platform that lets customers leave real reviews live on suppliers sites. Its this form of trust and transparency that many companies have benefited from since Feefoā€™s inception. Itā€™s made Feefo grow into a global brand and the Discerning Collection are very proud to have been a small part of their success.

Five years ago I was instrumental in introducing Andrew Mabbutt, the CEO of Feefo to the travel industry and from our initial meetings it was obvious that this was something that all good travel companies would benefit from. Real reviews from your own guests, live and more importantly, genuine. And now, from just a few forward thinking travel companies, Feefo has really grown its customer base into the many hundreds and has become a fantastic success story.

If you trust your product and you trust your staff then you must trust your guests to tell you the truth on how you are performing. Feefo does this for us, keeps us grounded and makes sure that we offer good holidays at good prices.


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