
There’s always something going on in the wonderful world of the Discerning Collection. Here are some of the things we’ve been up to recently, and our thoughts about what’s hip, what’s hot and what’s happening. We hope you’ll find it interesting and inspiring!

Off the Cretan Track

What truly sets Cayo apart is its breathtaking view of Spinalonga Island, famously depicted in Victoria Hislop’s novel, The Island. Guests can revel in the most spectacular views of this historic landmark, with select rooms offering a direct line of sight from the comfort of your bed, creating the enchanting illusion of Spinalonga being just within reach.

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The Lures in July & August (NEW OFFER)

Are you seeking an excellent value break under sun-kissed Turkish skies, daily dips in and out of soothing turquoise waters, freshly caught fish and magical seascape vistas? LOOK NO FURTHER WE’VE GOT JUST THE BREAK!

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