Highly Commended

It’s only our second full year of operating and already we are seeing some lovely feedback and incredible loyalty from our guests. Our average repeat guest percentage is currently running at 62% (that’s 62% of all guests that travelled in 2012 with us have returned in 2013!). So a massive...

Paragliding in Kalkan Turkey

Before I had a child I used to go gulet sailing in Turkey with a bunch of friends (the only way to do this!) Now my son is a teenager we spent two of the most enjoyable weeks in Turkey in the summer of 2013 on board a gulet for...

Kalkan…brilliant with or without the children.

I was reading an article in the Telegraph last week which discussed the topic: Do you dare go on holiday without the children. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/10152866/Do-you-dare-to-go-on-holiday-without-the-children.html The two parents, Christine Odone and Beverly Turner each stood up for their differing views. Christine said ‘Yes’ and Beverly said ‘No’. Both argued well and...


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